Different People will find different evidence that will trigger them to see the larger picture. Certain facts will be entre points for greater understanding.
To find out what those are, it's best to meet lots of people and ask questions.
I have no idea what will work, since I am too close to the data/information.
17 second gap.
Reasons people can not get the obvious:
Too obvious.
Looking from street to North Side of North Tower.
Hit was at South Side of South Tower.
Logical inconsistency. Boeing...anti-highjacker controls since the 70's? Can't have been a plane. "Specially Fitted Boeing" fits the category of "plane which appears to move through the wall of the South Tower without slowing down."
Problem with the Flt 175 Graphic
"It was a bomb. No airplane."
Newton's Third Law
Pilots for Truth Site
Conspicuous Plot Whitehall Building Seen from Battery Park
Triangle Calculation
Killtown's Really Really Strong "Flt 175" Wings
9/11 Reality TV Hoax
Nico Haupt
Links to Plane Evidence
Mystery Object
Crash Photos
Killtown's 2nd "Crash" Videos
Footage Missing from CNN Broadcast
Killtown's 2nd hit page
Some Holes in the Plane Story by Morgen Reynolds
If no one questions a building - number 7 - falling by itself, why should they question the airplane story. People believe what they are told.
Fox 9/11 Witness Timeline by Nico Haupt
(NOTE: FOX split screen timeline ignored so far... to be updated and
(Screenshot/BTS-ACARS database: Flight 11 did not exist or depart!)
07:50 CT/8:50 ET Sean Murtagh, 'CNN witness' from window, claims it was
a "jet, looked like a 2 engine yet...a large commercial jet...i'm on the
22nd floor..."
(However Murtagh is not a real reporter.
He was CNN's vice-president of finance. His office was on 33rd street.
Was he (in conflicting versions), on the roof or did he catch everything
out of his window?
"...i'm viewing south...wingtips tilted back and forth..."
07:53 CT/8:53 ET Monitor shows burning North Tower, occasionally zooms
onto the empty impact hole
07:54 CT/8:54 ET Interview with witness, who reported about windows
coming out of tower, "didn't see any plane". (First attack was
officially at 8:48 AM)
07:54 CT/8:54 ET Telephone interview with Lisa, who heard a "sonic
boom", but didn't see any plane from her window:
"I had no idea it was a plane, i turned on the tv, when i heard it was
plane, which was strange"
08:00 CT/9:00 ET Witness Jeanne Yurman
08:02 CT/9:02 ET Winston Mitchell, WABC Interview, Live on the phone
08:03 CT/9:03 ET Then visibly on the monitor from the right a black
flying object, vanishing behind one tower, then followed by an
explosion. Reporter Mitchell, after a short delay: "...The Building is
exploding right now (Mitchell doesn't mention that he saw any plane...)
"everyone is panicking..." Mitchell is suddenly cut off by host, because
he wants to 'hear other voices'.
08:06 CT/9:06 ET Producer of CNN decides to show again a replay from
"Courtesy ABC"
08:07 CT/9:07 ET Another replay of the WABC Video on CNN ("Earlier")
08:08 CT/9:08 ET CNN switches to footage of WNBC (Courtesy WNYV) Street
reporter "Arlie" says "it's possible that this was a missile attack".
Then he gets corrected from TV Host, that "we have a witness who said it
was a plane and as we watching the monitor we SAW a plane crashing to
the other tower..." "...there it is.. (commenting on the NBC clip,
object barely to recognize)
08:10 CT/9:10 ET ('moments ago', replay WNBC)
08:12 CT/9:12 ET Replay of older tape, but apparently with the 'wrong
timecode' beginning: TV audience is presented with explosion/fireball at
south tower only. Tape is stopped.
08:12 CT/9:12 ET Another replay of the NBC version "moments ago"
(Reporter mentions a chopper, "is that ours?"
08:15 CT/9:15 ET Replay NBC version "moments ago", clip is now 'halting'
the object twice and then zooms into the frozen object
08:17 CT/9:17 ET Replay NBC version "moments ago", clip is again
'halting' the object twice and then zooms into the frozen object
08:19 CT/9:19 ET Replay NBC version "moments ago", now with a special
effect, bright round spot on black filtered background, halting the
08:21 CT/9:21 ET Unidentified source on ? channel "it was a smaller
plane, because it made some circles... ...cargo plane...didn't see any
08:22 CT/9:22 ET Replay WABC video 2nd hit with earlier emotional
response of Mitchell: "...The Building is exploding right now..."
more at http://www.911closeup.com/nico/911chron_timeline_nico.html
Why They Did Not Use Planes
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